The Truth About the Social Security “Trust Fund” by Ray Uhric July 22, 2016
I hear young people
say they don't depend on social security because “it won't be there
when they retire.” I tell them that's exactly what the politicians
want you to think. Why do so many young people tolerate the
politicians stealing their money? Trillions of dollars of our
money has been stolen from social security. And the
politicians have no way to pay it back within the framework of our
existing monetary system. The conservatives and Republicans want us
to fall for the scam that they have to “cut social security in
order to save it” The liberals and Democrats say they have to raise
“taxes” to save social security. I have a much better idea.
Republicans, liberals and Democrats all ignore these very
embarrassing facts: The federal budget was “unified” in 1969.
Money from the social security system was put directly into the
federal general revenue fund. As the cost of the unnecessary
Vietnam war skyrocketed, money was sucked out of the social security
system to pay for the war. I want the politicians to answer this
important question: How much money was stolen from social security
from 1969 to 1983 when Ronald Reagan and Alan Greenspan “reformed”
social security?
On May 21, 1981,
President Ronald Reagan told the American people and Congress “the
social security system is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy...”
That was a lie. Lying to Congress is a felony, obviously an
impeachable offense. Why wasn't Reagan impeached by the Democrats?
In 1983, it was Reagan's Greenspan Social Security Commission that
put a TAX on social security benefits that continues to this
day. Reagan raised the retirement age, cut benefits and increased
the FICA contribution to create the so-called $2.8 trillion “trust
fund.” But all the money that went into the mythical trust fund
was actually put into the federal general revenue fund. The money
was then stolen and spent by the politicians. I consider Reagan's
“reforms” a breech of contract with the American people.
Politicians, answer this question: if there is a “$2.8 trillion
trust fund surplus, why are social security benefits going to be cut
in 2017, after the election? More questions: What bank holds the
social security trust fund and where is the $2.8 trillion?
The FICA social
security payroll deduction is NOT A TAX. It is a premium
payment to a government administered insurance program. The acronym
FICA stands for Federal Insurance Contribution Act. Why do
Americans tolerate politicians stealing their FICA money? Would we
tolerate politicians intercepting and spending our premium payments
for our car insurance or life insurance? Stealing tax dollars and
debt money from the federal general revenue fund to pay social
security benefits does not replace the stolen money. It only
compounds the theft.
There is no trust
fund! The trust fund money has been stolen and spent by the
politicians. And to make matters worse, because of stagnant or
declining wages since the late 1970s, the sub prime mortgage disaster
and the Great Recession, in 2010 the social security system went
into the red. Increasing wages could reduce or even eliminate
the shortfall. But this is unlikely to happen in our globalized,
free market economy. The FICA funding shortfall is made up out of
the federal general revenue fund, which means increased taxes and
borrowed money are paying social security benefits. The mythical
$2.8 trillion trust fund reflects the amount of money that has been
stolen from social security since Reagan's Greenspan Social Security
Commission set up the trust fund in 1983. The trust fund contains
the infamous and worthless IOUs. And, the non-existent $2.8 trillion
trust fund doesn't include the money that was stolen from 1969 to
1983 and the money stolen from Medicare and the other federal trust
In 2034, there will
be no more IOUs in the trust fund. Benefits will be cut twenty-three
percent because only FICA money will be paying benefits. As a
presidential candidate, I have the right to demand an uncorupted
audit to determine the amount that has been stolen from social
security and all federal trust funds since 1969. This
money is owed to the American people by the politicians. But, it
is impossible
for them to actually replace the money without an
enormous tax increase and/or borrowing a huge amount of money.
There is always a budget deficit, thus, a part of social security
benefits will always be paid with borrowed money. This is a
liability on the backs of American taxpayers. The national debt is
increasing exponentially. Obviously, hard times are coming for the
people on social security unless Congress accepts my proposal to
replace the stolen money with U. S. Treasury issued debt-free
United States Notes (U. S. Notes). This proposal is explained in
detail on my web site: There I explain how we can
ACTUALLY replace the stolen money with legal tender United
States Notes. My proposal is perfectly legal. Per the U. S.
Constitution, art. 1, sec. 8, par. 5, U. S. Notes were issued
under Abraham Lincoln in 1862 and John F. Kennedy in 1963. After
they were assassinated, Congress withdrew their debt-free money from
UNCIRCULATED. And, the Legal Tender Act of 1862 gives
Congress the authority to increase this $300 million to any amount.
This link on my web site to the U. S. Treasury Department web site:
U. S. Treasury - FAQ: Legal Tender Status of Currency will
verify that what I say about U. S. Notes is true and based on
existing law.
Today, many people
have lost faith in their government. But the government isn't the
problem. The problem is the politicians that we elect to the
government. I consider politicians distinct from the
Constitution-based institution of government. The government
is neutral. Bad politicians cause bad government. Good politicians
result in good government. The greatest threat to our social
security and our other “entitlements” is our elected politicians.
They start enormously expensive unnecessary wars and they
pass deregulation that wrecks the economy, lowers wages and cuts tax
revenue. They waste lots of money and borrow trillions of dollars
that could be issued debt-free by the government. U. S. Treasury
issued debt-free money is enumerated in the Constitution. The
Constitution says nothing about the Federal Reserve.
I have been a
candidate for president of the United States, registered with the
Federal Election Commission, since April 21, 2015. Unfortunately, my
voice has been ignored and suppressed by the media and stonewalled by
the politicians since June of 2004. On my web site I explain how U.
S. Notes can provide a Constitution-based, tax-free, debt-free
solution to America's fiscal, economic, and social problems.
Support for my
candidacy can be sent to: Committee to elect Ray Uhric, PO Box
815, Coraopolis, PA 15108. Thank you.
Ray Uhric
Democratic Candidate for President of the United States
Jul 21, 2016 7:10 pm
social security
From | |
To | opinion |
E-mail contained “The Truth About The Social Security 'Trust Fund'”
Op–Ed in a word document]
Opinion Editor,
I am a Democratic candidate for President of the United States. I have been registered with the Federal Election Commission since April 21, 2015. Despite my best efforts, I have been ignored by the mainstream media. An account of my political activity can be found on my web site:
I was unable to access your guidelines for submissions for Perspectives and Sunday Forum. At 986 words, I hope my essay conforms to your requirements. Since my essay is an Op-Ed piece, I hope the text will be unchanged except for grammatical corrections.
I've written to the other presidential candidates. I had hoped to debate them in the mainstream media before the Democratic convention, but they ignored me. With the convention less than a week away, it would be great if you could publish my essay as soon as possible. I know this will be difficult but the voters should know that there has been an alternative Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton since April 21, 2015. In fact, I was registered with the Federal Election Commission before Hillary Clinton and most of the other candidates.
Needless to say, the "establishment" has no interest in an unanointed outsider. Hopefully, my social security essay will direct people to my campaign web site. There they will learn that there is more to public policy than a soap opera of claptrap speeches and vapid sound bites.
Thank you.
Ray Uhric Democratic candidate for President of the United States
I am a Democratic candidate for President of the United States. I have been registered with the Federal Election Commission since April 21, 2015. Despite my best efforts, I have been ignored by the mainstream media. An account of my political activity can be found on my web site:
I was unable to access your guidelines for submissions for Perspectives and Sunday Forum. At 986 words, I hope my essay conforms to your requirements. Since my essay is an Op-Ed piece, I hope the text will be unchanged except for grammatical corrections.
I've written to the other presidential candidates. I had hoped to debate them in the mainstream media before the Democratic convention, but they ignored me. With the convention less than a week away, it would be great if you could publish my essay as soon as possible. I know this will be difficult but the voters should know that there has been an alternative Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton since April 21, 2015. In fact, I was registered with the Federal Election Commission before Hillary Clinton and most of the other candidates.
Needless to say, the "establishment" has no interest in an unanointed outsider. Hopefully, my social security essay will direct people to my campaign web site. There they will learn that there is more to public policy than a soap opera of claptrap speeches and vapid sound bites.
Thank you.
Ray Uhric Democratic candidate for President of the United States
Opinion Editor,
had hoped to have received an acknowledgement of my E-mail by now.
Please forgive my impatience, but my experience over the last twelve
years of my political activity is that virtually all of my
correspondence to the media and politicians goes into a black hole of
silence. If you refuse to acknowledge my correspondence, you
will be in "good" company. Below is a list of the top
American media people who refused to acknowledge my correspondence.
This list is taken from my web site. The media big shots are
also in "good" company. I've been stonewalled by
virtually every politician from Tom Wolf to Barck Obama.
I you refuse to publish my Op-Ed, at least inform me of that fact so that I don't wait forever for a response that never comes. Incidentally, I have been waiting for years for a response from your boss David Shribman. You will find his name on the list below.
Ray Uhric Democratic candidate for President of the United States
I you refuse to publish my Op-Ed, at least inform me of that fact so that I don't wait forever for a response that never comes. Incidentally, I have been waiting for years for a response from your boss David Shribman. You will find his name on the list below.
Ray Uhric Democratic candidate for President of the United States
Update 12/12/15
My Challenge to the Other Presidential Candidates and the Media
A Partial List of Media Organizations and Individuals Who Did Not Respond to My Correspondence Regarding Debt-Free Money
[Date mailed]: [8-29-15] Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation magazine; [8-31-15] David Rhodes, president of CBS News; Jeff Fager, executive producer of 60 Minutes; [9-8-15] Sara Just, executive producer of the PBS NewsHour; Gwen Ifill, co-host of the PBS NewsHour; Judy Woodruff, co-host of the PBS NewsHour; James Goldston, president of ABC News; Roxanna Sherwood, executive producer of ABC News Nightline; David Sloan, executive producer of ABC News 20/20; George Stephanopoulos, chief anchor for ABC This Week; David Muir, managing editor of ABC World News Tonight; Andrew Lack, chairman of NBC News/MSNBC; John Reiss, executive producer of NBC News Meet the Press; Chuck Todd, host of NBC News Meet the Press; Lawrence O’Donnell, host of MSNBC The Last Word; Rachel Maddow, host of MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show; Chris Hayes, host of MSNBC All In; Court Harson, senior producer of MSNBC Hardball; Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC Hardball; Bill Wolff, Cory Gnazzo, executive producers of MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show; Denis Horgan, executive producer of All In with Chris Hayes; David Shribman, executive editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; [9-11-15] David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker magazine; Matt Taibbi, journalist for Rolling Stone magazine; Clara Jeffery, editor-in chief of Mother Jones magazine; David Corn, Washington bureau chief for Mother Jones magazine; Nancy Gibbs, managing editor of Time magazine; James Bennet, editor-in chief of The Atlantic magazine; Jess Cagle, editor of People magazine; Jeff Zucker president of CNN Cable News Network; Erin Burnett, host for CNN Cable News Network; Anderson Cooper host for CNN Cable News Network; Wolf Blitzer anchor for CNN Cable News Network; Larry Kramer, editor of USA Today; Dean Baquet, editor of the New York Times; Martin Baron, Editor of the Washington Post; Davan Maharaj, editor of the Los Angeles Times.
letters editor: Sep 29, 2016
The letter to the editor below, excluding the title, is 247 words. I hope it can be printed without changes, except for corrections, of course. Since I am a presidential candidate, it would be helpful if this letter is printed as soon as possible. My phone number is /// /// //// Thank you.
Ray Uhric Democratic candidate for President of the United States
Debt-Free Government Funding
I ran for Pennsylvania State Representative in 2006 and 2010. I have been a Democratic candidate for President of the United States, registered with the Federal Election Commission, since April 21, 2015. My web site: documents my twelve year battle to bring the enormous benefits of debt-free monetary reform to the attention of the American people.
What is debt-free monetary reform? According to the United States Constitution: Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 5 and the Legal Tender Act of 1862, the United States Treasury can issue debt-free money – United States Notes (U. S. Notes) – in any amount. This link on my web site to the U. S. Treasury Department web site: U. S. Treasury - FAQ: Legal Tender Status of Currency will verify that what I say about United States Notes is true and based on existing law.
United States Notes can be used to generously fund the Veterans Administration, social security, Medicare, Medicaid and the Pension Benefit guarantee Corporation. With a stroke of the Congressional pen, these vitally important government agencies can be made permanently solvent. United States Notes can provide an enormous tax-free, debt-free economic stimulus. But for twelve years no politician, including Governor Tom Wolf and President Barack Obama, will discuss this issue with me. Except for KDKA's Chris Moore, there has been a total media blackout on this issue and my Presidential candidacy.
I can be contacted at: Committee to Elect Ray Uhric, PO Box 815, Coraopolis, PA 15108.
The letter to the editor below, excluding the title, is 247 words. I hope it can be printed without changes, except for corrections, of course. Since I am a presidential candidate, it would be helpful if this letter is printed as soon as possible. My phone number is /// /// //// Thank you.
Ray Uhric Democratic candidate for President of the United States
Debt-Free Government Funding
I ran for Pennsylvania State Representative in 2006 and 2010. I have been a Democratic candidate for President of the United States, registered with the Federal Election Commission, since April 21, 2015. My web site: documents my twelve year battle to bring the enormous benefits of debt-free monetary reform to the attention of the American people.
What is debt-free monetary reform? According to the United States Constitution: Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 5 and the Legal Tender Act of 1862, the United States Treasury can issue debt-free money – United States Notes (U. S. Notes) – in any amount. This link on my web site to the U. S. Treasury Department web site: U. S. Treasury - FAQ: Legal Tender Status of Currency will verify that what I say about United States Notes is true and based on existing law.
United States Notes can be used to generously fund the Veterans Administration, social security, Medicare, Medicaid and the Pension Benefit guarantee Corporation. With a stroke of the Congressional pen, these vitally important government agencies can be made permanently solvent. United States Notes can provide an enormous tax-free, debt-free economic stimulus. But for twelve years no politician, including Governor Tom Wolf and President Barack Obama, will discuss this issue with me. Except for KDKA's Chris Moore, there has been a total media blackout on this issue and my Presidential candidacy.
I can be contacted at: Committee to Elect Ray Uhric, PO Box 815, Coraopolis, PA 15108.
three E-mails and all the other E-mails that I sent to the Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette editors
were ignored as I explain in
Box 815
PA 15108
18, 2016
Mr. ////////////
are probably unaware of the fact that I have been a candidate for
President of the United States since April 21, 2015. With the
exception of KDKA's singularly excellent Chris Moore, my campaign has
been ignored and suppressed by the mainstream media (MSM). This
problem is the subject of this letter. There are several possible
explanations for the media's reluctance to publicize my campaign.
The one I prefer is that my economic and monetary reform proposals
are so politically incorrect and explosive that they must be
suppressed. I know this sounds implausibly conspiratorial. However,
when you read my enclosed two page Op-Ed that the Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette refused to publish, my conspiracy theory might not
seem so implausible.
third page of this letter contains a list of thirty-six members of
the mainstream media who not only refused to publicize my campaign,
they would not even acknowledge my correspondence. This list
includes CBS News and 60 Minutes. The
form letter that I sent to the MSM organizations can be found on my
web site, Scroll down to my December 12,
2015 post if you want to read the letter. The stonewalling extends
beyond the media. It includes the dozens of politicians who I have
written to in the last twelve years. This time period includes my
campaigns for the Pennsylvania state legislature in 2006 and 2010.
experience with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, in my opinion,
perfectly illustrates why the American people have such a
low regard for the MSM. The P-G not only refused to publish
an Op-Ed submitted by a legitimate presidential candidate, they
refused to even acknowledge the several e-mails that I sent them.
When I e-mailed the P-G local news editor requesting an
article about my campaign, my e-mail was ignored. This is remarkable
and strange. Surely, a man from Pittsburgh running for President is
worthy of a local news story.
upshot of this unconscionable suppression of my candidacy is that the
American people are unaware of the greatest financial scandal in
American history. An unnecessary $19 trillion nation
debt and the theft of trillions of dollars from the
social security system is a scandal that dwarfs anything revealed in
the ludicrous 2016 election soap opera. This scandal is the subject
of my Op-Ed piece. My latest web site post contains a letter that I
sent to the other major presidential candidates dated June 11, 2016.
It also addresses this scandal. All the candidates ignored my
letter. Interestingly, the sample letter on my site is addressed to
Donald Trump.
greatly appreciate the three interviews that I was granted by Chris
Moore. However, the fiscal, economic and monetary reforms that I
propose in my presidential campaign and on my web site can't be
addressed properly even in a one hour interview. Economics,
government funding and monetary theory are complex, arcane subjects.
And my proposals have explosive implications that politicians
obviously don't want the public to know about. What I need is an
opportunity to have a real time on-air confrontation with the
politicians who refuse to honor my Constitutional right to “petition
the government for the redress of grievances.” The 2015/2016
presidential election cycle has been like an endless, disgusting
Jerry Springer episode. Please give me the opportunity to inject
vitally important substance into the 2016 presidential election. And
after the election, the American people need to know what I have to
say about the important local and national issues.
candidate for President of the United States
Box 815
PA 15108
17, 2016
NewsRadio 1020 AM
Ms. /////////
are probably unaware of the fact that I have been a candidate for
President of the United States since April 21, 2015. With the
exception of KDKA's singularly excellent Chris Moore, my campaign has
been ignored and suppressed by the mainstream media (MSM). This
problem is the subject of this letter. There are several possible
explanations for the media's reluctance to publicize my campaign.
The one I prefer is that my economic and monetary reform proposals
are so politically incorrect and explosive that they must be
suppressed. I know this sounds implausibly conspiratorial. However,
when you read my enclosed two page Op-Ed that the Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette refused to publish, my conspiracy theory might not
seem so implausible.
third page of this letter contains a list of thirty-six members of
the mainstream media who not only refused to publicize my campaign,
they would not even acknowledge my correspondence. The form letter
that I sent to the MSM organizations can be found on my web site, Scroll down to my December 12, 2015 post
if you want to read the letter. The stonewalling extends beyond the
media. It includes the dozens of politicians who I have written to
in the last twelve years. This time period includes my campaigns for
the Pennsylvania state legislature in 2006 and 2010.
experience with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, in my opinion,
perfectly illustrates why the American people have such a
low regard for the MSM. The P-G not only refused to publish
an Op-Ed submitted by a legitimate presidential candidate, they
refused to even acknowledge the several e-mails that I sent them.
When I e-mailed the P-G local news editor requesting an
article about my campaign, my e-mail was ignored. This is remarkable
and strange. Surely, a man from Pittsburgh running for President is
worthy of a local news story.
upshot of this unconscionable suppression of my candidacy is that the
American people are unaware of the greatest financial scandal in
American history. An unnecessary $19 trillion nation
debt and the theft of trillions of dollars from the
social security system is a scandal that dwarfs anything revealed in
the ludicrous 2016 election soap opera. This scandal is the subject
of my Op-Ed piece. My latest web site post contains a letter that I
sent to the other major presidential candidates dated June 11, 2016.
It also addresses this scandal. All the candidates ignored my
letter. Interestingly, the sample letter on my site is addressed to
Donald Trump.
greatly appreciate the three interviews that I was granted by Chris
Moore. However, the fiscal, economic and monetary reforms that I
propose in my presidential campaign and on my web site can't be
addressed properly even in a one hour interview. Economics,
government funding and monetary theory are complex, arcane subjects.
And my proposals have explosive implications that politicians
obviously don't want the public to know about. What I need is an
opportunity to have a real time on-air confrontation with the
politicians who refuse to honor my Constitutional right to “petition
the government for the redress of grievances.” The 2015/2016
presidential election cycle has been like a endless, disgusting Jerry
Springer episode. Please give me the opportunity to inject vitally
important substance into the 2016 presidential election. And after
the election, the American people need to know what I have to say
about the important local and national issues.
candidate for President of the United States
PO Box
PA 15108
28, 2016
KDKA- Radio
Mike Pintek
Dear Mr. Pintek:
Thank you for giving
me the opportunity to explain the issue of debt-free money to your
listeners. It is unfortunate that what I said “made no sense” to
you. However, if you objectively listen to a recording of our
conversation, you might realize that I explained debt-free money in a
way that anybody could understand.
You said “nobody
suppressed my candidacy.” Thirty-six members of the mainstream
media refused to even acknowledge my letters that clearly stated that
I am a presidential candidate. This fact was even stated on the
envelope. A 60 Minutes interview and or an interview on any of the
thirty-six national media outlets that I contacted would have put my
candidacy and the debt-free money issue in the national spotlight.
If I could have successfully explained the debt-free money issue and
my entire platform to a national audience, my name might have been on
the ballot in every state. My presidential candidacy died when I
was smacked down by the mainstream media. I consider that monolithic
silence obvious suppression. That's why you never heard of my
candidacy. I blame your parent company, CBS, and the other media for
my obscurity.
You kept mocking me
with the statement: “You don't know where the ($300 million of)
debt-free money is.” The official U. S. Treasury web site states:
“United States Notes [U. S. Notes] were the first national
currency.” “The Treasury Department issued these notes directly
into circulation.” There was no need for a Federal Reserve System.
In fact, U. S. Notes were our only national currency for 109 years
before they were withdrawn from circulation by Congress in 1971. Our
$19 trillion national debt is a direct result of this stupid act of
Congress. The Treasury web site states: “Both United States Notes
and Federal Reserve notes are parts of our national currency and both
are legal tender. They circulate as money in the same way. ...both
currencies have served essentially the same purpose, and they have
the same value.” “The issuance of United States Notes is subject
to the limitations established by Congress. It established a
statutory limitation of $300 million on the amount of United States
Notes authorized to be outstanding and in circulation.”
The Treasury site specifically states that the debt-free $300
million exists but, unfortunately, it doesn't say where the money is.
I can't change that. However, I have been trying for twelve years
to get our elected politicians to answer the question of where the
money is. But, as I said, they refuse to talk to me or even
acknowledge to my correspondence. Are the politicians and media
acting as agents for the bond market that stuck us taxpayers with the
$19 trillion national debt?
Mr Pintek, surely
can you grasp the massive difference between U. S. Notes and Federal
Reserve notes. U. S. Notes incur NO Debt to the American
taxpayers. Conversely, Federal Reserve Notes (according to the
Treasury web site) are ”obligations of the United States
Government.” And the “collateral” for the Federal Reserve
Notes is “United States securities.” That is, government debt.
The Treasury site explains: “This provides the backing for the note
issue.” In simple terms, U. S. government debt backs the
Federal Reserve Notes. In the words of former Federal Reserve
Chairman Marriner Eccles (1934 to 1948), “Without the debt, we have
no money.” Now can you grasp the tremendous advantage of debt-free
U. S. Notes over Federal Reserve Notes? The difference is the $19
trillion dollar national debt. I do not propose to abolish the
Federal Reserve. My proposal is to supplement
the Federal Reserve Notes in the national money supply with United
States Notes. This was done for 58 years between 1913 and 1971.
Congress must take this action before the national debt destroys
social security, Medicare, the Veterans Administration and the
For some
inexplicable reason you couldn't grasp how United State Notes could
save social security. As I explained in my letter and on your
program, there is no social security “trust fund.” The trust
fund money was put into the federal general revenue fund, stolen and
spent by the politicians. The only way the trillions of dollars of
stolen money can be replaced (within the structure of our current
monetary system) is with a massive tax increase and or massive
government borrowing. The only alternative to this fiscal disaster
is U. S. Treasury issuance of U. S. Notes directly into the social
security system. How is this possible?
The original
issuance of U. S. Notes under President Abraham Lincoln was
$449.338,902. Congress reduced this amount to $300 million under the
authority of the Legal Tender Act of 1862. This same law gives
Congress the authority to increase the amount of U. S. Notes
“outstanding and in circulation” to any amount because the
law sets no limitations. Thus, I call for an uncorrupted audit to
determine exactly how much money has been stolen from the social
security system since 1969 when the federal budget was “unified”
and social security money was first stolen. This amount can be
issued by the Treasury and put directly into the social system.
Benefits can be generously increased and social security will be
permanently solvent. Forget about cutting benefits, ever. You and
your listeners scoffed at $300 million to replace the trillions
stolen from the social security system. Apparently, you and they
didn't comprehend that Congress can, by law, increase the $300
million to any amount. I know I told you and your listeners that.
As for inflation, I
tried to explain to you that “printing money” does not cause
inflation. That's a cruel myth. When the global financial system
was on the verge of collapse in 2007/2008, central banks around the
world “printed” trillions of dollars and other currencies to prop
up the global money supply that was partially destroyed by Wall
Street. (I explained how this happened on my web site: The central banks “printed the money” to prevent
a second Great Depression. Wall Street “economists” warned that
global central bank “money printing” would cause massive
hyperinflation. That, of course, never happened.
Do you remember that
I told you that Lincoln's $300 million of debt-free money increased
the national money supply by twenty-five percent? (Depending on how
you calculate the current money supply, that would be at least three
trillion dollars today.) And there was no inflation. If you
don't believe me, check the historical record. Why did Lincoln have
U. S. Notes issued? America was on the gold standard and there
wasn't enough gold to back the currency needed to fight and win the
Civil War. Lincoln saved America with U. S. Notes!
There is a myth that
the Wiemar Republic of Germany in the early 1920s inexplicably
printed huge amounts of money and destroyed the value of their
currency with hyperinflation. They said it took a “wheel barrel of
money to buy a loaf of bread.” In fact, the opposite is true. The
inflation began before the money printing. War reparations,
out of control market forces, default on external debt, commodity
speculation and explosive social instability called into question the
survival of the Wiemar Republic. This is what devalued the German
currency relative to the U. S. dollar. The German government printed
more and more money in order to maintain an adequate money supply to
sustain the economy. The Wiemar Republic was too weak to control the
market forces that were destroying it. And the Nazis took full
advantage of this situation.
In my interview, you
kept saying “This doesn't make sense to me.” I hope you can
grasp the simple facts above that I explained as carefully as
possible. During the interview, by sarcastically interrupting me;
talking over me; not letting me finish my sentences and mocking my
ideas, you actually discredited yourself. You denied your listeners
the opportunity to learn about a vitally important national issue.
You also displayed a shocking inability to grasp simple,
straightforward concepts. Your boorish attempt to make a fool out of
me actually made you look foolish and stupid. We should have had a
logical discussion so the listeners could get the facts and make an
objective analysis of the debt-free money issue. Your unprofessional
behavior prevented this from happening. Although my interview was a
very unpleasant experience, I will come back on your show or any
KDKA-TV or radio show any time.
Ray Uhric
Democratic candidate for President of the United States
Box 815
PA 15108
24, 2016
Lisa J. Stevenson
General Counsel
Election Commission
E Street, N.W.
D.C. 20463
Ms. Stevenson:
was a 2016 Democratic presidential candidate registered with the
Federal Election Commission on April 21, 2015. My committee name is
Committee to Elect Ray Uhric, Committee ID: C00576447. My complaint
is probably unusual and it may not be a violation of FEC regulations.
However, I want to make you and the Commission aware of a problem
that I feel tainted the election: Information about my campaign and
my platform was, in my opinion, suppressed by the media organizations
and individuals who I contacted. This denied the American voters and
the American people in general all knowledge of the important
national issues and problems that I raised in my campaign. As a
result, my proposals to address those issues and problems were never
seen by the American voters. Besides tainting the election, I
consider this a suppression and denial of my First Amendment right of
free speech.
complaint is described in detail in my upcoming post election
campaign web site Update. My campaign web site is:
Think excerpting the relevant passages from my web site would be the
easiest way to explain why I believe the mainstream media's refusal
to acknowledge my campaign was unethical if not illegal. I suspect
the reason the “Establishment” media suppressed public knowledge
campaign is that my debt-free economic and monetary reform proposals
have explosively embarrassing implications and far reaching
consequences. Below are the excerpts:
not surprised that I wasn't elected president. But I am surprised
and shocked at what I consider the despicable cowardice and
corruption of the American Establishment. My 12-12- 2015 Update
contains a copy of the letter that I mailed to thirty-six prominent
members of the mainstream media (MSM). The letter and the envelope
clearly stated that I was a legitimate presidential candidate. The
letter contained my platform and a detailed explanation of my
proposals for debt-free economic and monetary reforms. I received
no response. Incredibly, none of my letters were even acknowledged!
This is the standard pattern I have encountered for twelve
years! Had I been granted a serious interview by even a handful
of the thirty-six cable “news” and network “news” shows and
the national “news” magazines that I contacted, my debt-free
monetary reforms would have received national attention. The
worthless American media hacks won't dare acknowledge my
correspondence and give me an opportunity to open a dialogue or even
have a paper trail. This is blatant cowardice, corruption and
suppression of legitimate news and information! All the names of
the presstitutes who suppressed the vitally important national issue
of U. S. Treasury issued, legal tender, debt-free money
can be found in the 12-12-2015 Update on this web site. But it gets
worse, as I will explain below.
is a good place to finish my Post Election Update. Well, I
accomplished at least one thing with my presidential campaign. I
proved that the American “news” media (except for one
individual) suppressed public knowledge of my presidential campaign
and the vitally important national issue of U. S. Treasury issued
debt-free money. This flies in the face of my presidential campaign
that was primarily an educational exercise. It is a spectacular
irony that my Constitutional right to free speech was abridged by
our so-called “free press.”
political objectives seemed, to me, irresistibly altruistic,
patriotic and sensible: reduce the national debt, reduce taxes,
increase social security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, make those
vitally important government programs permanently solvent, do the
same for the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC), provide
unlimited funding for wounded and disabled veterans and the Veterans
Administration. Provide full employment with good wages and
benefits and FULL COVERAGE universal healthcare (with
no stupid “choices”) for all American workers. All this would
be accomplished without raising taxes or government borrowing and no
inflation using U. S. Constitution-based, U. S. Treasury issued,
legal tender, debt-free
United States Notes. The platforms of the other presidential
candidates were preposterous, pie in the sky nonsense by comparison.
even have a debt-free money way to get money out of politics.
Political contributions could be made illegal! All qualified
candidates would have equal access to a government run information
exchange. The 2016 presidential election alone cost over $6 billion.
(I received not one penny for my campaign.) Add up Congressional,
state and local elections and the cost of all the elections since
the cost of elections began skyrocketing. Would the number be a
trillion dollars? Since a large amount of the money comes from
businesses, billions could have gone for better wages, benefits and
full coverage healthcare (with no stupid “choices”). The
contributions from individuals and organizations could have
significantly raised the standard of living of those contributors.
But, are the American people ready for uncorrupted elections or are
we stuck in the political dark ages?
expected tremendous support from the voters. Instead, my campaign
was a miserable waste of time, effort and money. Over and over, I
explained on my web site that my debt-free money proposals had been
done before by Presidents Abraham Lincoln in 1862 and John F. Kennedy
in 1963. I revealed that their debt-free money was pulled from
circulation by Congress after these great presidents were
assassinated. This link to the U. S. Treasury Department web site:
U. S. Treasury - FAQ: Legal Tender Status
of Currency proves that uncirculated debt-free money
currently exists and it can be increased to any amount by Congress!
I explained why the “hyperinflation” objection is a myth and a
scam. But I got nowhere with the voters. What happened? What
happened was that the election was rigged but not the way Donald
Trump says it was. Trump had massive media coverage. I had
virtually no media coverage. I was stonewalled and ignored by all
the politicians. None of them would dare to engage me in a public
debate. They knew it would be political suicide. And, despite
numerous letters and E- mails, the stooges in academia pretended that
I didn't exist. Why? I challenged their lucrative, self-serving
and bogus Establishment dogmas.
June 11, 2016 letters challenging the other presidential candidates
to address the issues and questions that I raise on my web site was
ignored by all of them. The cowards never gave me a chance to
engage them in a public debate. They (or somebody in their front
office) didn't dare give me a public forum. Were they afraid that I
would expose them all as fraudulent hacks? My contact information
remains: Committee to Elect Ray Uhric, PO Box 815,
Coraopolis, PA 15108. I dare ANY politician, particularly
President Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer
and Nancy Pelosi to engage me in a public debate about ANY issue
facing America, AFTER the issue of debt-free money is resolved to my
satisfaction. Incidentally, I sent letters to Mr. Trump on
November-13, 16, 17, 22, and 23-2016. [On January 16, 2016 I
received a form letter from Mr. Trump. This is all I ever got from
the numerous letters I sent to President Barack Obama. Hopefully, I
will receive something more substantive from President Trump in the
debt-free economic and monetary reform proposals and my other
articles have been totally stonewalled by the mainstream media.
Obviously, the MSM is the ministry of propaganda for entrenched
financial and political interests, to the detriment of the American
people. And here is my proof: I've been trying
for years to get something published in the Pittsburgh
Post- Gazette, my local newspaper. I would think a
Pittsburgh man running for President of the United States would
be a big local news story and worthy of coverage. But not in my
case. On July 21, 2016 I E-mailed an Op-Ed titled: “The Truth
About The Social Security 'Trust Fund'” to the P-G Opinion
editors. I clearly pointed out that I was a presidential candidate.
The E-mail was ignored. No rejection notice and thus, no paper
trail. The P-G used this stonewall tactic on me several
times before over the years. I resent the E-mail, again but it was
ignored. I E- mailed another P-G editor. He forwarded the
E-mail to the Opinion editors. Again it was ignored. He forwarded
it again. Again it was ignored! On August 5, 2016 I E-mailed
prominent P-G editor and former U. S. Ambassador Dan
Simpson. I included a copy of the Op-Ed and told him about my
problems with the news about my presidential campaign being
suppressed. He ignored my E-mail. On August 5, 2016 I E-mailed the
P-G local news editor. I gave her a brief bio and told her
about my presidential campaign and my platform. And I included the
social security Op-Ed. My E-mail was ignored. On August 7, 2016 I
resent the E- mail to Simpson asking if he would at least acknowledge
receipt of my E-mail. Again, my E- mail was ignored. On September
29, 2016 I E-mailed a brief “letter to the editor” to the
Post- Gazette. My E-mail was ignored even though I explained
that I was a presidential candidate. This is beyond odd.
This is astounding and outrageous! You might suggest that I write to
their boss P-G executive editor David Shribman and complain
about the unconscionable stonewalling of his editors. I've lost
track of how many times I've written to him and how many times he
ignored me. But wait, it gets worse.
October-18 and 19-2016 I mailed letters to all of the hosts, news
people and the man in charge of “editorials” at KDKA radio and
television, a total of thirty-nine letters. I know this was very
late in the presidential election cycle, but remember, my campaign
was primarily about educating the American people about important
national issues. I explained that news and information about my
campaign had been suppressed and I listed all the news organizations
and people who refused to cover the vitally important national issue
of debt-free money. I asked for an opportunity to have a real time
on-air confrontation with the politicians who were suppressing the
debt-free money issue. Except for conservative radio host Mike
Pintek,all the letters were ignored. Mr. Pintek did grant me an
interview but it was a total hatchet job. (The interview is
probably archived somewhere.) I mailed him a rebuttal letter on
October 29, 2016 and requested another on-air interview with him or
anybody in the KDKA organization. The letter was ignored.
click on the link to Op-Ed and Letters There
you can read my social security Op-Ed, my correspondence to the P-G
Opinion editors and my “letter to the editor” that the Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette suppressed. You can also read my initial KDKA
letter and my Mike Pintek rebuttal letter. Mr. Pintek can't
complain that I'm “blindsiding” him by publishing the rebuttal
letter. On January 5, 2017 I E-mailed Mr. Pintek and told him that
I was putting the rebuttal letter on this web site. And I included
a copy of the letter. So far, he and the entire KDKA organization
have ignored the E-mail. There is also a draft of a letter that I
will send to the Federal Election Commission complaining that
information about my presidential campaign and my platform was
suppressed by the mainstream media. I have not yet determined if
this is a violation of FEC regulations, but it is certainly
unethical and a possible violation of my First Amendment rights. It
is vitally important that the American people read my social security
Op- Ed that the Post-Gazette suppressed. Why? I just read an
garbage article on a “highly respected” business web site that
referred to the social security trust fund's “$2.8 trillion cash
balance.” This is a LIE that is repeated over and over
in the MSM. There is no “cash” in the so-called “trust fund.”
The cash has been stolen and spent by the politicians. The trust
fund contains tax dollars and debt. This is the ugly, scandalous
TRUTH that the Post-Gazette, KDKA, the mainstream media,
“academia” and even Senator Bernie Sanders and the Democrats
have suppressed for decades! And, even more despicable, they all
suppressed the TRUTH that my debt-free monetary reforms are the only
way to fix underfunded social security, Medicare,
Medicaid, the Veterans Administration, the PBGC and America's many
other economic and fiscal problems, including the unsustainable
national debt.
twelve years I've been trying to get the support of the
Democratic Party and organized labor. But rather than support my
debt-free monetary and economic reforms, the feckless, clueless
Democrats and lefties hope for another disastrous Republican
administration like Bush/Cheney. That is their standard plan for
winning elections. Hey, it worked for Obama! When will my fellow
Democrats realize that we don't have to win elections to make change
happen. We just need good ideas, a plan and a public dialogue.
Give me access to the MSM and I'll take on anybody, any time. The
good ideas and the plan are on this web site. But, thanks to the
MSM, I never got the chance to talk to the American people and I'm
still stuck in the political wilderness. What would have happened
if I had been given a 60 Minutes interview? What if my
articles would have been published in Time magazine? What if
my social security Op-Ed had been published in the Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette? I'm not saying I would have been elected
president but I would have forced the other candidates to answer some
very tough questions. Instead, we got another stupid, vapid,
worthless soap opera election cycle. Do I envy President Trump?
No. For me, at my age, the pomp and glitter of the presidency would
be tedious and boring. My presidency would have been like four years
of boot camp. I would have battled the neo cons and the
Establishment and attacked America's problems with logical and
uncorrupted solutions. The battle would have taken every ounce of
my strength. After four years, I'm sure I would have been totally
burned out and ready for a wheelchair. I think it would have been a
terrible experience because there is nobody in Washington or in the
Washington “think” tanks who I would have trusted to advise me.
Am I being too hard on the Establishment? No. And I believe the
historical record confirms my judgment.
excerpts explain very well the difficulty I have encountered trying
to get publicity for my presidential campaign. My experience may not
be a violation of Federal Election Commission regulations or law.
But surely it is a violation of the spirit of the law. The issues
and questions that I tried to raise in my campaign are extremely
important national issues. But they were suppressed by the media.
For this reason, I believe the election was tainted. I don't know if
there is anything that the FEC can do to redress this gross injustice
and this blatant mockery of my right of free speech. What a
spectacular irony that the government has to hold our free press
accountable for a violation of the First Amendment.
you for looking into this matter.
Uhric former candidate for President of the United States
Office Box 815
PA 15108
21, 2011
Pat Toomey
Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Washington, D.C. 20510
Senator Toomey,
have refused to acknowledge my December 10, 2010, letter, my
February 6, 2011, e-mailed copy of that letter and my February 7,
2011, phone call confirming that your Washington, DC, office
received the e-mail. I would like to remind you, Senator, that
I have a Constitutional right “to petition the government for a
redress of grievances.” To date, you have denied me this
grievance has to do with the $4.6 trillion intergovernmental debt.
As you know, the intergovernmental debt is the money that
politicians have raided from the trust funds and spent. These
trust funds include social security, Medicare, federal civil service
retirement, and military retirement. In the current public
“debate” regarding the budget deficit and the national debt
ceiling, the fact that this $4.6 trillion is owed to the American
people is rarely mentioned. Until this money is returned to
the American people, in the form of cash, (not IOUs), the money is
stolen. Politicians claim that they will repay the missing
money out of future tax revenue. This will only perpetuate the
theft. You don’t repay the taxpayers with their own money.
The money must come from a source other than the victims of the
should know that you can repay the $4.6 trillion to the American
people without raising taxes or borrowing from the credit markets.
And you can use the same revenue source to solve the budget deficit
and national debt problems. How? Simply follow the
instructions in the United States Constitution. Article 1, Section
8, Paragraph 5, states: “Congress shall have [the] power to
coin money [and] regulate the value thereof.” The word
“coin” can also mean create, as in the expression “to coin a
phrase.” Thus, Congress can create money. There is
nothing in the Constitution about the Federal Reserve or a central
you know, in 1913, in defiance of the Constitution, Congress gave
the power to issue money to the Federal Reserve. Some scholars
believe this action was illegal because it was done without a
Constitutional amendment. I agree, but I am not recommending
the abolition of the Federal Reserve. My objective is to tell
the American people (and to remind you) that Congress and the
Treasury still have the authority to issue debt
free money without involving the Federal Reserve. There is
an extremely important distinction between money issued by the
Federal Reserve and money issued by the Treasury. Money issued
by the Federal Reserve is based on debt. In fact, the Federal
Reserve Notes we spend every day are responsible for our $14.3
trillion national debt. Treasury issued United States Notes
(Greenbacks) are based on the law as stated
the Constitution above. And, unlike federal Reserve Notes,
United States Notes carry no debt.
1862, at President Abraham Lincoln’s request, Congress directed
the Treasury to issue $60 million worth of United States Notes.
Under the authority of the Legal Tender Act of 1862, during the
course of the Civil War, $449 million worth of this legal tender
currency was issued (The Federal Reserve didn’t exist in 1862.)
This caused no inflation even though the money supply was increased
by 25%. After President Lincoln was assassinated, Congress
reduced that amount to $300 million and froze it at that level.
Subsequently, Congress refused to authorize the issuance of any more
debt free money. However, the original $300 million is still
an uncirculated part of our national money supply. The
$300 million amount can be increased by Congress and put into
circulation immediately.
June 4, 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed Executive order 11110
(amending E.O. 10289) authorizing the Treasury to issue billions of
dollars of United States Notes. Although the actual amount and
the function of the E.O. are debated, the fact that Kennedy was
responsible for the issuance of debt free money is not questioned.
After President Kennedy was assassinated, the United States Notes
were withdrawn from circulation and no more debt free money was
issued. In 1966, Congress repealed the original 1933
legislation that gave Kennedy the authority to issue E.O. 11110.
In 1987, President Ronald Reagan repealed E.O. 11110 with E.O.
don’t want to promote or endorse the conspiracy theories.
However, I mention these historical facts to prove that issuing debt
free money is legal and practicable. The only thing preventing
debt free money from reentering our currently debt based national
money supply is the United States Congress.
I am publicly calling upon Representatives Tim Murphy, Jason
Altmire, Mike Kelly and Mike Doyle to introduce legislation
authorizing the Treasury to issue United States Notes.
This will be the same currency that was issued by Abraham Lincoln in
1862 and by John F. Kennedy in 1963. This legal tender
currency can be used to pay off the entire $4.6 trillion
intergovernmental debt: $2.6 trillion owed to social security;
$317 billion owed to Medicare; $780 billion owed to the federal
civil service retirement fund and $308 billion owed to the military
retirement fund. At the same time, the $23 billion funding
shortfall of the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) can be
addition to this, I am asking you and Senator Bob Casey to support
this legislation. If you choose to withhold your support,
please explain your reasons, in writing, and send them to me at: Ray
Uhric, Post Office Box 815, Coraopolis, PA 15108. I will put
your letter on my blog site
with my response to your objections. Then, the public can
judge who is really following his Constitutional mandate to “promote
general welfare of the American people.”
financial markets have nothing to say about repaying the trust funds
with Treasury issued debt free money. This is money that is
owed to the American people. Supplementing our debt
based money supply with debt free money is perfectly legal.
And, there is no reason for this action to cause inflation.
The notion that dollars are just another commodity and that
increasing the supply reduces the value is nonsense. Commodities
are things with intrinsic value, such as corn, wheat or copper.
Dollars are just paper. They get their value from the law as
stated in the Constitution above. The fact that currency
speculators can attack the value of the dollar is a clear violation
of the Constitution. That our political leaders would let them
get away with it is a scandal. The size of our money supply
and the value of the dollar are determined by Congress.
It’s the law. It may be ignored by the politicians, but it
is still the law
me if I am highly suspicious of the motives of conservative
politicians who claim that they must attack social security and
Medicare in order to deal with our massive national debt. It
sounds like the same old “starve the beast” game plan to me.
A quick check of the historical record will illustrate the fact that
Republicans, conservatives and the financial markets have despised
and opposed social security and Medicare from the first day these
programs were proposed. Why would the financial markets and
the financial services “industry” want to see social security
and Medicare destroyed? That would eliminate the competition,
of course. They want ALL the money for themselves and their
the conservative “starve the beast” strategy to destroy social
security and Medicare began with the Reagan administration. Of
course, this plan backfired when Congress simply borrowed more money
to offset the lost revenue from the tax cuts and to fund the various
wars and other government expenditures. But now, with a $14.3
trillion national debt and the national debt ceiling looming, it
looks like the government haters have the so-called “beast” by
the throat. But to the millions of people whose very survival
depends on social security and Medicare, calling these great and
vital programs “the beast” is a despicable example of
conservative Republican spin.
is interesting to note how the Cold War, tax cuts, the Iraq war, the
mortgage meltdown, the global credit crisis, Dick Cheney’s idea
that “Deficit don’t matter,” and other policy blunders have
put social security and Medicare right where the government haters
want it. The “privatizers” and the financial markets must
have been delighted as the politicians, year after year, weakened
social security and Medicare by raiding the trust funds. Then, in a
vicious and diabolical act of cruelty, they added every penny of the
stolen money onto the national debt! Is this scandalous
economic policy really a legitimate way to conduct our nation’s
fiscal business? Is this a viable monetary system or a scam
designed to fleece the taxpayers with debt?
the missing $4.6 trillion with debt free United States Notes can be
accomplished in a matter of days. Supplementing our current
debt based money supply with debt free United States Notes will
instantly solve the contrived budget crisis and eliminate the “need”
to raise the debt ceiling. Who could be opposed to that?
Obviously, the funding to make social security, Medicare, Medicaid
and the PBGC permanently solvent is at the fingertips of
Congress. Politicians say we must endure austerity and slash
social security and Medicare to send a signal to the markets (the
bond vigilantes) so they will loan us more money and get us deeper
in debt. The only message we should send to the bond
vigilantes is: Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 5, of the United
States Constitution.
letter will be posted on my blog site
If you have any objections to my debt free monetary reform
proposals, please send them to me at Ray Uhric, Post Office Box 815,
Coraopolis, PA 15108. I will put your letter and my response
to it on my blog site. This will make our debate a matter of
public record. The American people can then judge the relative
merits of our respective arguments.
you for your attention to this vitally important matter. I
await your timely reply.
Ray Uhric
Posted by Ray
Uhric at
the Stupidity, Stupid
I’m not calling everyone who reads this blog update stupid
(despite the attention grabbing title). My objective is to
warn people about the dangers and consequences of accepting stupid
ideas as revealed wisdom. After more than eight years of
stonewalling and silence, it is obvious that I have to try harder to
get the attention of the politicians, the pundits, the mainstream
media (MSM) and the general public. Calling people stupid will
usually get their attention. I am not running again for public
office (calling people stupid is not a good way to get votes). As a
non candidate, I don’t have to pander to anyone. I have a
populist message, that is: economic and social justice based on the
U.S. Constitution and existing law.
is an open letter to my Senator, Pennsylvania Republican Pat
Toomey. (Democrat Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey still refuses
to answer, or even acknowledge, my correspondence.) This
letter is strident and demanding. However, the current
bipartisan attack on social security, Medicare, Medicaid and the
solvency and power of the American government demands nothing less.
A copy of this letter will be sent to the local and national media
via e-mail and the U.S. Postal Service. I will communicate in
the same way with politicians from the local to the national level
and organizations that purport to defend the interests of senior
citizens and American’s in general. The names of these
individuals and organizations will be published on the home page of
this blog. I will continue this effort until I get a fair
public hearing on the issue of U.S. Treasury issued debt-free legal
tender United States Notes.
Township, PA 15108
23, 2013
Pat Toomey
Hart Senate Office Building
DC 20510
Senator Toomey:
just finished reading the part of your web site that deals with
“Budget, Jobs and the Economy.” Your proposals prompted me
to write to you again. First, I would like to remind you that
I began writing to you on the day were you elected to your current
office. I sent you a letter on December 11, 2010. I
later e-mailed a copy of that letter to your Washington office and
called to confirm that the e-mail was received. The letter,
the e-mail and the call were never acknowledged. I wrote to
you again on February 6, 2011. This letter was also ignored.
I published all of my correspondence to you on my web site/blog,, hoping that
public pressure would force you to publicly debate the issue of U.S.
Treasury issued debt-free, legal
States Notes (U.S. Notes or Greenbacks) on
my web site/blog. That didn’t work. You are still
totally insulated and totally silent. And, you still deny me
my first amendment right “to
petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
are my grievances? Approximately $5 trillion has been stolen
from the federal “trust funds” and spent by politicians.
This $5 trillion is now the infamous IOUs – intergovernmental debt
– that was/is added to the national debt and loaded onto the backs
of American taxpayers. As you know, the only way these IOUs
(government bonds) can be “redeemed” is by stealing more money
from the taxpayers and/or borrowing more money, which is a liability
on the taxpayers. Then, to add injury to injury, the national
debt is used by conservative Republicans (and Democrat fellow
travelers) as a bogus “justification” to attack and slash social
security, Medicaid, Medicaid and the power and solvency of the
American government. This is an outrageous and scandalous scam
against America. Politicians owe the current and future trust
fund beneficiaries every penny of that $5 trillion. The only
way that trust fund money can be truly replaced is
with U.S. Treasury issued debt-free, legal tender United
States Notes. Redeeming the IOUs with future tax dollars
and/or with borrowed money only compounds the theft.
concluded my December 10, 2010, letter with this paragraph: “As an
elected official, you are no longer a member of the private sector.
You are part of the federal government. You are required, by
law, to do what is best for the country. The desires of Wall
Street and the financial services “industry” are irrelevant to
your job. America can no longer afford the deregulated, “free
market,” financial blunders that have brought America to the point
of economic and financial ruin. I await your timely reply.”
your reply was certainly not timely, it is nonexistent. The
reason for your silence is obvious to me. You never changed
your allegiance from Wall Street to the American people. Your
statements on your web site make this fact disgustingly clear.
Here are some samples:
write that you want to “streamline burdensome regulations.”
I want to know exactly what regulations you are referring to.
It was financial deregulation that destroyed the global and
national economies and was/is responsible for our current and
ongoing economic and fiscal problems. It is a scandal and a
national disgrace that the monstrous actions of Wall Street and the
financial services “industry” can be judged “legal” by the
U.S. Justice Department. (This fact was revealed by Lanny
Breuer in the famous November 30, 2012, Frontline interview.)
Thanks to financial deregulation, the destructive derivative
“products” that you pioneered on Wall Street were also legal.
Who would deny that regulatory and legislative oversight in this
country is a joke? But, from what I have read on your web
site, you want to make a bad situation even worse. You were
labeled a “financial guru” in a February 17, 2013, puff piece in
the “liberal” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. If you are
so “principled and well versed in financial issues,” why did you
do nothing to stop the catastrophic housing bubble that was
inflating during the entire time that you held office in the U.S.
House of Representatives?
want you to tell me exactly how “tax policies are hindering job
creation and economic growth.” Could it be that the private
sector and their shill politicians are blackmailing the American
government into cutting taxes in order to get the business community
to drop some crumbs to the American workers? In my February
11, 2012, Update on my blog, I proposed a “Jobs Bill” that would
dramatically reduce unemployment and underemployment, stimulate the
economy and increase the gross domestic product (GDP). This
jobs bill would require no Keynesian borrowing from the global
credit markets, no legislation from our catatonic Congress and no
tax dollars. My proposal is for a New Deal type full
employment program
that would be paid for totally with U.S. Treasury issued debt-free
States Notes. If
you go to my blog site,,
you will find a link to the U.S. Treasury Department web site.
There you will learn that everything I say about debt-free legal
money is true and based on existing law. You will also learn
that U.S.
are currently an unissued
of our national money supply! If you claim that my proposals
will cause inflation, I will challenge you to a debate, and I will
prove that printing
money DOES NOT cause inflation.
say you want to “undo Washington’s costly healthcare mandates.”
Alright, what is your solution for affordable, universal full
healthcare coverage for all American workers? Let’s hear
it, and we will see how it stacks up against the proposal that I
outline on my blog.
is “the red tape that undermines economic growth and affordable
energy?” Be specific, so I can determine if your explanation
makes sense. On the subject of energy, what will you do if a
fracking pipe going through an aquifer bursts and poisons the
water? I would like to have a comprehensive public discussion
with you about America’s energy policy. We need a reality
worry about taxing the “job creators.” Are you talking
about the people who destroyed American industry in order to ship
jobs to low wage countries like Vietnam? Did America (mostly
the poor and working class) fight that terrible war to make Vietnam
the preferred low wage production and investment choice for
“American” capitalists and investors? Are you talking
about the “job creators” who are making record profits and
sitting on trillions of dollars of cash? Incidentally, this
stash of cash continues to grow even after billions of dollars have
been spit out in dividends and stock buy backs. This windfall goes
to people who didn’t lift a finger to earn that money.
For a humorous examination of the notion that “cutting taxes
increases tax revenue,” please read my essay titled “Taxation.”
You can link to it from the home page of my blog.
want to “make American companies more competitive.”
American worker’s wages have been stagnant or declining for forty
years. Lack of universal full healthcare for American
workers is a national scandal. Unions have been beaten into
submission by the private sector and their goon politicians.
Tell me which businesses pay the mythical thirty-five percent
corporate tax rate. And then tell me which ones pay no
taxes at all. The private sector continues to whine and
cry about paying the minimum wage. But, in order for low wage
workers to survive, taxpayers must subsidize their employers by
providing food stamps and Medicaid to low wage workers. Still,
you want American workers to be more
competitive. Would legalized slavery satisfy you?
want you to explain exactly how “job creation and putting our
federal government on a sustainable fiscal path are inextricably
connected.” Is the budget deficit and the national debt a
red herring that the “job creators” use to blackmail and
bamboozle the weakling politicians into slashing or even eliminating
social security, Medicare, Medicaid and many other excellent things
that our government does? I have been telling people for more
than eight years that the very existence of the national debt is a
scam and a scandal. Why is this true? Our currency is based on
U.S. government debt – Treasury bills, bonds and notes. This
means that the national debt will never be paid off and the
debt ceiling will always be raised under our current debt
based monetary system. Do you plan to use the totally
unnecessary national debt as a destructive weapon to “starve
the beast”? As a patriotic American, I take great offense
when conservatives, especially chicken hawk conservatives, call the
American government (that I defended for four years in the
military), a beast!
you really cared about America and if you really cared about our
national debt crisis, you would demand that the Republican
controlled House of Representatives authorize the U.S. Treasury to
issue debt-free, legal tender United States Notes.
With U.S. Notes, we can finally start PAYING OFF THE
NATIONAL DEBT. Let’s get rid of the debt burden that is
crushing the taxpayers, social security, Medicare, Medicaid and the
government’s ability to promote the general welfare of the
American people. And while they’re at it, Congress
can eliminate the budget deficit by funding it with debt-free legal
tender United States Notes. WE DON’T HAVE A SPENDING
GLOBALIZED ECONOMY PROBLEM. America’s current fiscal and
economic problems are undeniable proof of the failure of our
economic, monetary and political systems. I could go on with
my thesis, but I’m sure I have effectively made my point.
proposals for “Budget, Jobs and the Economy” on your web site
are a Wall Street wish list so transparent that it is
shameful. And, your proposals prove that your
allegiance remains with Wall Street and not with the American
people. The conflict of interest between Wall Street, the
financial services “industry” and the American people was
brutally exposed by the 2007/2008 subprime mortgage disaster/global
credit crisis. After that debacle, there is only one
explanation that can account for how a Wall Street
banker/derivatives salesman like you can win an election: The
Democrat Party is a political joke.
challenge you to go to my blog site,,
and find anything that is in error. If you find something, put
it in writing and send it to PO box 815, Coraopolis, PA 15108.
I will publish your comments and my rebuttal on my blog. Our
debate will be public and in the historical record. The
American people deserve to know the whole truth about the issues
that impact our lives. They certainly won’t learn it from
you. The financial “industry” parasites (aka bond
vigilantes) are threatening the American people with their usurious
debt weapon. This is a criminal act, in my opinion. The legal
term for this act is EXTORTION!
June of 2004, I have been writing to politicians, the media,
pundits, policy makers and academics. After more than eight
years, I have never received a serious rebuttal to anything that I
have said on my web site/blog. Therefore, everything that I
have written stands unchallenged. With this fact as my
authority, I am requesting that you publicly explain to the American
people why the Republican controlled Congress can’t direct the
U.S. Treasury to immediately begin issuing debt-free legal tender
United States Notes. This money could immediately
replace the approximately $5 trillion stolen from the federal trust
funds. U.S. Notes could fund the $1 trillion plus
federal budget deficit. U.S. Notes could fund the New
Deal type full employment “jobs bill” that I proposed in
my February 11, 2012, blog Update.
I am requesting that Congress partially fund the federal government
with U.S. Notes. This would reduce taxes and give
Congress the ability to begin paying off the national debt. I
request that U.S. Notes be sent to the states to solve the
budget problems that were caused by the actions of the private
sector. I request that a sufficient supply of U.S. Notes be
available for disaster relief. I request that NASA be
deprivatized and returned to its original form, as I proposed
on my blog site. I request that the Post Office be
deprivatized and funded totally with U.S. Notes. The
Post Office was established by the Constitution as a government
service, not a business. Instead of borrowing and taxing to
pay for a “National Infrastructure Bank,” the money could simply
be issued debt and tax free by the U.S. Treasury. I would be
happy to debate privatization and so-called “public/private
partnerships” with you anytime. And if you say that my
proposals are inflationary, I will debate you and prove you
Toomey, I want you to publicly explain to the American people why my
Monetary Reform proposals,
as outlined in this letter and on my blog site, can’t be
implemented immediately. Your explanation will be put on my
blog site,,
and we will debate the issues publicly. In this way, our
debate will be included permanently in the historical record.
The time has come for the American people to escape the debt slavery
imposed on us by the financial markets. I’ve been waiting
since December of 2010 to talk to you, Senator Toomey. I await
your timely reply.
Posted by Ray
Uhric at